TERMOELEKTRO ENEL AD is organized as a joint stock company whose shares are not on the stock exchange. The company has issued 63,611 common shares and their owners are natural persons.
The total number of shareholders is 207.
Revenues per years:
    - In 2014. 12.364.000 EUR
    - In 2013. 11.275.000 EUR
    - In 2012. 18.477.000 EUR

Year 2014Year 2013Year 2012
Revenue1.495.590.000 RSD1.292.567.000 RSD2.097.814.000 RSD
Operating income1.318.990.000 RSD819.321.000 RSD1.994.390.000 RSD
Total assets2.029.128.000 RSD2.130.354.000 RSD1.468.172.000 RSD
Total net profit401.141.000 RSD470.785.000 RSD744.104.000 RSD
Capital44.270.000 RSD44.270.000 RSD44.270.000 RSD
Number of employees177178406

Balance Sheet201420132012
Profit and Loss Account201420132012
Changes in Equity2014